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Writer's pictureRev. James Trapp

Surrendering to the Next Stage of Our Evolution

This past Sunday, Spiritual Life Center had a Town Hall Meeting. The Board of Trustees shared our status and where we are heading as a spiritual community. We want to thank all those who attended the meeting.

For those who did not have the opportunity to attend, you’re encouraged, at your convenience, to review the video below of the gathering. You can also review the meeting’s agenda and supplemental documents here. We also encourage those with questions to attend our follow-up Community Q&A session on Sunday, February 11 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. You may also email the Board of Trustees with your questions in advance.

SLC's Year of Intention Town Hall Meeting: January 28, 2018.

Collectively our community is stepping into new possibilities, hope for the future and the opportunity to embrace change. Of course, change has a price. That price is uncertainty and, sometimes, the emotional challenges that come along with it. This can be a little disconcerting to the human part of us.

Patrick Overton, a nationally recognized community arts developer, noted: "When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen: There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught how to fly."

I’ve found this to be a reassuring statement, particularly when we are faced with uncertainty.

We've all had times when we’ve had to step into a new situation—by choice or necessity—without knowing exactly how it would unfold. Yet, as we gain greater understanding of what it means to walk by faith and not by sight, we can act with positive expectancy. In other words, while we may not exactly know the future, we can choose to believe it will unfold in a spiritually perfect way.

As I was reflecting on the notion of embracing the mystery of uncertainty, I remembered times I’ve faced uncertain situations. One such time was when I decided to become a Unity Minister. This calling was not something I would have imagined for my life; I never would have come up with such an idea on my own. But I answered the call and did what I needed to do to be accepted to ministerial school.

As the time approached for me to attend seminary, I began to have doubts. I questioned whether I could really be a minister. I wondered if I was doing the right thing. Nevertheless, I moved forward.

The night before I was scheduled to drive to Unity Village, I felt a sense of uncertainty and “buyer's remorse.” But there was no turning back. In that instant, I felt I needed a sign to confirm that what I was doing was right—or at least not totally wacko.

I ended up going to a Chinese restaurant for my "last supper" experience. At the end of the meal, the waiter gave me my fortune cookie. The fortune read, "You have made the right choice, follow through." Needless to say, I did follow through and stepped into the unknown. The journey ended up being fabulous. I did what I loved and have had a soul growth and unfoldment beyond what I ever imagined.

Often we want signs to show up before we move in the direction of our inner urgings. But when we step into the mystery, we realize that signs often show up after we've made the decision. What we need shows up: ideas, people and resources.

We were born to embrace the mysteries that lie before us. This is how we grow. We discover talents and capabilities that otherwise would not be discovered if we had elected to stay where we were.

When we move forward, it is important to do so with positive expectancy. We do this by waking up every day and expecting the "glad surprise." The “glad surprise” is a phrase coined by Howard Thurman, an influential American author, educator, theologian and civil rights leader. It’s when we get to be amazed as to how good it can get in our life and our organizations.

We can condition ourselves to accept the glad surprise even when things seem darkest and our backs are against the proverbial wall. It is that moment when suddenly, like a stream of light, the answer comes. This is the nature of the glad surprise.

So let us embrace the possibilities that lie before us as a community, even when we don’t know exactly how things will turn out. But know this—it’s going to be good.

Peace & Blessings,


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