To request a prayer:
Call Silent Unity at 1-816-969-2000
24 hours a day, 7 days a week -
Submit a confidential prayer request by completing the form below:
Resources - If you or someone you love needs support:
Call the Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255
Prayer support is also available from Silent Unity
24 hours a day.
What Is a Prayer Chaplain?
A Prayer Chaplain acknowledges and calls on the presence of God, however you define God.
A Prayer Chaplain lovingly listens.
A Prayer Chaplain prays from the heart.
A Prayer Chaplain holds in confidence what is shared.
What a Prayer Chaplain is not…
Prayer Chaplains are not ordained, are not trained to counsel, fix or advise others and are not accredited by any national organization.
Prayer Chaplains are not trained to go out and ‘minister’ to the community-at-large, but are trained as a lay resource to help meet the pastoral care needs within their church community.
Prayer chaplains pray!
If you are interested, please contact Prayer@slcworld.org for further details.