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Spiritual Life Center's

2022 Annual Meeting

Sunday, May 22

1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Pacific Time

In-Person and via Zoom




As a reminder, our membership approved revised Bylaws in May 2020. SLC's Board of Trustees had proposed Bylaw amendments because United Worldwide Ministries had strongly suggested new Bylaws for all Unity ministries and SLC was also incorporating Integral Ministry Practice language into our Bylaws to include different phases of membership such as Youth Members, Community Members, and Governing Members. 


In 2021, SLC's sanctuary was still closed to the public following Sacramento County COVID guidelines. Therefore, our May 2021 Annual Meeting was held in its entirety online via Zoom. We conducted Board Trustee elections online utilizing polling features available through Zoom. 


This May 2022, SLC is open again for in-person gatherings but also continues to offer a hybrid of in-person and online services, small groups, book clubs, etc. to still meet the needs of those who are either not in local proximity to SLC (out of area, state, or country) or those who are self-caring for themselves by avoiding group gatherings in indoor settings or simply prefer connecting from the convenience and comfort of their own home.


Since SLC's current May 2020 Bylaws do not allow for online voting and Bylaws amendments require at least 10 days notice of specific Bylaw wording changes, we will not vote on any Bylaw Amendments at this coming May 22nd Annual Meeting.


Instead, there will be a vote to allow an exception to the Bylaws with agreement that the proposed Board Bylaw Amendments below will be considered by the Governing Membership at their 2022 Fall Membership Meeting date TBD.  


Below are two Bylaw Amendments the Board would like to propose.


Within Section 2. Phases of Membership

Current: Community members have the right to attend and speak at any membership meeting, but no other rights of membership.


Proposed: Community members have the right to attend and speak at any membership meeting and possess all the rights of membership except voting.


Within F. Voting

Current: Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws, a majority of the governing members and voting shall be necessary for approval or disapproval of the action being voted upon.  Proxy, absentee, or electronic (Internet, email, fax, etc.) voting are not allowed.


Proposed: Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws, a majority of the governing members present either in person or virtually (live) and voting shall be necessary for approval or disapproval of the action being voted upon.  Absentee ballots will be allowed if a Governing Member requests a ballot two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting based on a procedure set by the Board. Email or fax voting are not allowed.


The Board would also like to give our SLC Community the opportunity to offer any further Bylaw amendment recommendations prior to the next Fall Membership Meeting. Recommended Bylaw changes must be submitted at least 60 days in advance and the Board will make a call for amendment recommendations with ample time for proposed changes.  Below is link to SLC's Bylaws for your review and consideration.


Renew Governing Membership

2022 Annual Meeting Agenda 

  • Welcome & Opening Prayer

  • SLC's Mission Statement

  • Shared Agreements

  • Accomplishments and Regrets

  • Confirmation of Meeting Quorum

  • Proposed Bylaw Exception to Allow Online Voting

  • Operations & Finance Report

  • Thrive Committee Report

  • Announce Results of Proposed Bylaw Exception Vote

  • Outgoing Board Trustee Recognitions

  • Introduction of 2022 Nominees for the Board of Trustees (Click for Details)

  • Election of New Board Trustees

  • Quantum Living Testimonial

  • Volunteer Opportunities

  • Questions & Answers

  • Announce Verified Election Results

  • Closing Prayer

Register Below for May 22 Annual Meeting


All are welcome to attend the SLC's Annual Meeting either in-person or via Zoom. There is a single step registration for those attending in-person. Simply click on the gold button below. For those joining us via Zoom, there is 2 parts to the registration process - RSVP with SLC and registration with Zoom.  Please click on the two purple buttons below to complete the 2 part Annual Meeting Online Registration. If you need help in any way, call our office team at (916) 448-6508 and SLC staff will be happy to help you pre-register for the May 22nd Annual Meeting.

Renew Your 2022 Membership To Vote

If you were already a member, or active participant in our SLC Community prior to the May 2020 Bylaw changes, you are automatically grandfathered into eligibility for Governing Membership. You simply need to complete the Governing Membership renewal form in order for SLC to keep our database current and to know what financial support we can count on from our member/owners each year. 


Membership renewals can be done at anytime during the year, but only current year Governing Members can vote at duly called Membership Meetings such as the upcoming Annual Meeting. Click on the button below for more details or to renew your Governing Membership. Questions? Email or call (916) 448-6508. 

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© 2024 Spiritual Life Center.

501(c)(3) Nonprofit, Tax ID 94-3308780

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