Spiritual Living
For All Ages
Teaching that we are all born as original blessings and a part of the divine plan to bring love and peace into this world.
Youth & Families
Our Youth & Families program creates an affirming, creative environment where we come together to pray, play and experience the divine. All ages gather for our chapel service on Sundays at 9 and 11 a.m., and then we spend time playing and creating hands-on experiences at the intersection of creativity and spirituality. Nursery (5 yrs and under)
Our youngest kids ages 0 to 5 go to our nursery for some fun playtime at 9 & 11 a.m., 6 to 12 go to our youth ed room at 11 a.m. for the lesson and craft or activity, and our pre-teens and teenagers (13-18 years) meet in the Y.O.U. room at 11 a.m. for some awesome discussions and activities.
Our Y.O.U. (Youth of Unity) Teen Program is a youth-led program in the teen room with an adult sponsor.
Click here for more information about Y.O.U.
Welcome Anna Hernandez
We are happy to announce that we have a new person joining our Nursery Team, Anna Hernandez. She brings a fun, youthful energy to our littlest SLC'ers. Come by the nursery, and welcome her to our Youth Ed Family.
Fall Program - 12 Powers
We have started the 12 Powers overview, and we will continue that study through the end of the year. We are looking at Charles Fillmore's 12 Powers and how they are an expression of our inner divinity. The 12 powers are: Faith, Strength, Wisdom, Love, Power, Imagination, Understanding, Will, Order, Zeal, Release & Life. Each Sunday we will learn about a different power and do an activity that relates to it. We hope you will join us as we embark on this empowering journey to discover our inner truth.
FIeld Trip - Skatetown!
Our YOUers met at Skatetown Ice Skating rink in Roseville for our last 4th Friday meet-up on October 22, 2021. Several of our YOUers attended, and we had such a fun time! Here are some of the photos of our time together.
Story Time With Joella!
Joella Aragon is one of our Youth Ed Nursery volunteers. She is wonderful with our youngest ones, and she has a gift for story telling. She not only reads to our SLC young ones, but she also reads in her driveway to children in her neighborhood. She spreads her gift far and wide!
In this video, Joella reads Tacky the Penguin. It is a story about a Penguin who is a bit different from all the other penguins, and comes to be accepted for exactly who he is. It's a hoot! We hope that your child, or the child in you will enjoy it!
While all the other animals in the jungle are ready and eagerly awaiting Christmas, Hanukkah, and/or Kwanzaa, Jim can't stop feeling that this time of year stinks. But with his good friend Norman's help, Jim discovers that focusing on the good things around him instead of his own problems, is a reason to celebrate.
Y.O.U. (Youth of Unity)
Teen Group
A youth-led, high-school-aged group that promotes spiritual awareness in a safe space. Everyone is welcome.
Deep friendships and connections are made between teenagers in a nonjudgmental and loving environment. Teens learn to see the challenges in their lives through the lenses of truth principles and empowered thinking.
For more information, email Michael Lawson, Spiritual Life Center Y.O.U. Sponsor.
YOU Friday Night Meet-up
Our YOU (Youth of Unity 13 – 18) meet on the 4th Friday of every month. These Friday nights begin with a typical YOU meeting, and that’s followed by an extended time to socialize and connect. Our Meet-ups take place 3 times a month, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Friday of each month. There will be a regular meeting on the 2nd and 4th Friday and Michael Lawson, your YOU Sponsor, leads a music meet-up on the 3rd Friday for our YOUers to learn and create music. Michael is a music teacher, and has been encouraging them during our meetings. We have many talented Youth that play the piano and/or the guitar so bring your instrument. There is even talk about a YOU band…so stay tuned! We look forward to our time together!
We meet in the sanctuary so that we can comply with all of the recommended guidelines for in-person gatherings. Masks are required to be worn inside. Please refer to our Updated COVID Guidelines. Wearing a face mask is optional in our Courtyard, but unvaccinated individuals are advised to wear face masks outdoors in large gatherings or if social distancing is not possible.
Michael Lawson (YOU Sponsor) and Rev. Janée Marth are facilitating these monthly YOU Meet Up events. Our vision is to use these Friday night meetings to provide our teens a safe space to come together, share, and connect. We will be serving pre-packaged snacks and beverages during the meeting.
Please fill out the registration form when it becomes available to let us know if your teen would like to join us for our next meet up. It's helpful to know in advance who will be coming so we can plan accordingly. If you have any questions or would like to reach out to us, please send us an email at youthed@slcworld.org, or call the church at 916-448-6508.