New to SLC? • Small Groups • Volunteer • Life Celebrations
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Volunteer Opportunities
Powerpoint Pilot
As we look forward to bringing the entire ministry team back in person for our Sunday Experience, there is an exciting volunteer opportunity available beginning soon! We are looking for one or two PowerPoint Pilots to keep us all on track with our announcements and song lyrics.
Begins: Sunday, June 20th
Commitment: Minimum of 1 Sunday per month 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
There are three simple skills needed for this task:
The willingness to commit one Sunday per month to attend both services.
The ability to remain focused and follow the order of service.
The amazing use of your index finger to advance the slides through the PowerPoint presentation as the service progresses.
This is a wonderful way to be of service while in service! If this opportunity pulls at your heartstrings, please contact Paula Mandella at pmandella@slcworld.org