A friend, who decided to begin a new venture in life and move in the direction of her dreams, asked me a question. She wanted to know how not to be discouraged by other people's opinions when they believed she shouldn’t move forward with her plan. In other words, my friend wanted to know how to stop being distracted by detractors and other people’s opinions.
I let her know I could relate from personal experience and observation over the years. I've discovered detractors will often show up when one begins to live their purpose to break free from the crowd, and to express their true self. Detractors will say things like, “This has never been done before.” Or, “You better stick with what you know.”
Such responses may trigger memories from the past. The person recalls times people criticized their efforts, and that memory shows up to inhibit what they do today. It is easy for someone to be a critic. Then, be can become discouraged by such people who aren’t doing much in their own lives. However, we want to ask ourselves, “Do I want other people's beliefs and opinions to distract me from what my heart is telling me I should do?". The answer, of course, should be a resounding NO!
There was a statement by Jesus when he addressed one of his followers, "What is that to thee, follow thou me." (KJV John 21:22). He suggested that this person follow his way of being, and not be pulled by the world's lower thought forms and vibrations. The key is not to be distracted by discouragement, but to have something that pulls you forward and upward. This pull is more powerful than the energy of other people's opinions and outside critics, even when the facts suggest you cannot do it.
In Colorado, a police officer arrived at a single-car accident. A car sank in the mud and ended up on top of a baby. The officer lifted the vehicle and pulled the girl to safety. In Maryland, a helicopter used for a scene in a TV show crashed and pinned the pilot under shallow water. The pilot's friend (nicknamed Tiny) ran over and lifted the one-ton helicopter long enough for the pilot to be pulled to safety.
Examples like these are legion. If you looked at the facts only, it would have been easy for the people in these examples to be discouraged by the appearances. But they were not distracted by the facts, because the pull of their intention was more potent than anything else. They would not and could not be moved by anyone who might say, "You can't do this!"
As you move in the direction of your heart's desires and go where others have never gone before, you ask, "What would anchor my belief in what I am about to do so that I will not be moved by the discouragers and detractors, no matter how well-meaning they may be?" When you can answer that question, your attention will stay on your dreams, visions, and goals. You will embody the essence of that statement, "What is that to thee, follow thou me." You will follow what is essential, and not be diverted by the thought-forms of the detractors.
Peace and Blessings,